Monday, July 13, 2009

Skype - VoIP Internet Phone Service for Windows Mobile Edition

Skype - VoIP Internet Phone Service for Windows Mobile Edition

After months of testing, Skype has finally released the final version 3.0 of its VoIP software for the Windows Mobile platform.

Skype 3.0 for Windows Mobile is designed for mobile terminals with operating system Windows Mobile 5.0 or above and is able to make connections using WiFi, 2G or 3G.

Among the new features in Skype 3.0 include the ability to send files to other contacts and sending SMS (tariffs Skype). And 'course, can make voice calls to other Skype users and numbers to call landline or mobile phones using the SkypeOut service.
Skype - VoIP Internet Phone Service for Windows Mobile EditionSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Skype - Voip International Calls Service

Skype - Voip International Calls Service

Skype, Perhaps best of all programs of the internet Phone calls. Allows you to call other people who have Skype for free, and you can dial a normal number for a very low rate. It also has optional services (which are paid) that can be useful. In this section we will deal with Skype to the following arguments:

Call with Skype

  • Installation program
  • Minimum System Requirements
  • Recommended system requirements
  • User's Guide
  • How to improve sound quality
  • Conference Call
  • Contacts and permissions
  • Connection Status
  • Text field to speed dial
  • Making calls with Skype
  • How to add or change my photo
  • Translation of Skype and load user-defined language
  • Uninstalling Skype


  • SkypeOut
  • SkypeOut Rates

Installation of program:-

First, low, since Skype

Minimum system requirements:

  • PC with Windows 2000 or XP
  • 400 MHz processor
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 15 MB free hard disk
  • Sound card, speakers and microphone
  • Internet connection (either dial-up modem as a minimum of 33.6 Kbps or any banda ancha, whether cable, DSL or other)

Recommended system requirements:

  • PC with Windows 2000 or XP
  • 1 GHz processor
  • 256 MB of RAM
  • 30 MB free hard disk
  • Full-duplex sound card (most of the sound boards manufactured after 1998), headphones with microphone
  • Internet connection by cable, DSL or equivalent broadband connection.

After having downloaded the program, start the installation by double clicking the file you downloaded. You open the program's license, you must agree to continue the installation.
Then follow the onscreen instructions, it does not normally have to change anything of the default options and just have to accept what is given. When you open the program for the first time, will choose a username and password. Congratulations! Already have your Skype account and it works. Skype is a simple guide that explains the main functions. For your comfort is here.
Quick Start Guide

If you are an advanced user or an application you used to chat before, many of the features of Skype will be known. This quick start guide explains how you can immediately start calling your contacts after you have installed the Skype program. Keep in mind that your contacts must also install Skype and register as a user before you can start using it.

  • Start Skype.
  • Log in with your username and password. This happens automatically by default if you've chosen a username and password and you are connected to the Internet.
  • When you start Skype for the first time, your contact list will be empty. To find your friends and add them to your contact list, select Search for Skype users on the Tools menu, or in the toolbar, click the Search button. A new window will open where you can search for friends by name or by any other information they have put in your user profile.
  • To add a contact, you simply right-click on the username of the search result and select Add to Contacts.
  • There are several ways to call a contact:
Make or right-click on the username you want to call in the contact list and select Call this member, or select the name in the search result and click the Call button.
or Double-click the user name in the contacts list or the search results.
or select a user name and click the call button which is located at the bottom of the window.
  • If someone calls you, you will hear the telephone ringing and the Skype icon will flash in the system tray. Open the Skype window (if not already visible) and choose if you want to meet or reject the call on the call sheet.
  • When deciding on a call, it will start a two-way voice conversation will be the duration of the call.
  • Anyone who is speaking can end the call at any time by clicking the button to hang up (on the call sheet or in the toolbar quickly, if visible).

How to improve sound quality

To enjoy the best sound quality possible, we strongly recommend that you try the following:

  • Use a headset with microphone. These devices significantly improve the sound quality and can be purchased in store or on Skype accessories home computer.
  • Tell your friends to buy a headset with microphone. Please note that the voice quality depends on the equipment used by both members of the call. The best way to ensure high sound quality is that both users use a headset with microphone.
  • If you do not have one, it is likely that they can improve the sound quality if:or use headphones instead of speakers on your computer;or the microphone closer or further away from your mouth;or use an external microphone (note that most laptops use low-quality microphones); or update the drivers for your soundcard.
  • Please note that if you do not have a microphone, you can use headphones as a temporary solution and connect the microphone input of the soundcard. Try it!

Conference calling

Skype is now possible for a total of up to 5 people to participate in a conference call. It is easy to initiate such a communication with Skype and there are several ways to do so. If you want to call several people at once and start a conference call, participants must first choose from the contacts list while pressing the Ctrl key and clicking each one. Once selected, click the button on the toolbar to the conferences. This will open the conference and will record the names of participants to whom you called. If participants attend your call will be included in the conference.

Otherwise, if you're already in a call and want to add another participant to the conversation, you can choose in the list and click the conference button on the toolbar, or you can simply click button on the side of a new contact list and select the Invite to the conference.
Remember the beginning of the conference (user host) is the only person who can add new participants. Moreover, because Skype conferences are done by a pair, it is important that the initiatives have a good team and a fast connection to the Internet. If you intend to conduct a conference call with many participants, you must choose the person who has the best connection to initiate the conversation.

Skype is divided into several tabs, and each has a specific purpose. The tabs Home, Contacts and Call Log are always visible, while others only appear when needed (for example, if you make or receive a call). To view a tab, simply click the title bar. To close, click the right mouse button and select close tab.

Home tab

The Home tab is automatically whenever you start Skype. There you can view a summary of relevant information, such as the number of missed calls and online contacts.

Contacts tab

The Contacts tab displays other Skype users who were added to your list of contacts. The icon to the left of each name indicates the user online status. Clicking the right mouse button on any user name on this list, a menu with options of communication or administration of the user. To search for contacts, simply select the option Search for Skype users from the Tools menu. To add a contact, simply click the button on one side of the usernames listed in the search result and select Add to Contacts.

Call Record Sheet

The Call Log tab displays a list of your recent calls and communications. On this tab you can see when and with whom to talk. You can also use this form as "redial button clicking any previous conversation and clicking on the secondary Call.

Ongoing call sheet

If you try to call someone or if someone tries to call you, a new calling card. If you are called in the chip can accept or reject the call by pressing the appropriate button.
Contacts and approvals


The users you add to your list are "contacts" or "friends." On the Privacy tab, which you access by going to the File menu and selecting Options, you can choose to accept only incoming calls or messages that come from people on your contact list. Notices in the schedule of calls and message alerts, you can set different levels of alerts for incoming communications, as the other person is or not in your contact list.

Authorized Users

Skype protects your privacy by showing that you are connected only to users authorized for seeing that information. When you add another user to your contact list will open the dialog applications. If accepted, the user is authorized. If rejected, by contrast, does not permit such user (note that this person does not receive any response to your request). If ignored, the application will appear in the Startup tab until you take some action. Please note that the Privacy tab (File> Options), you can choose to accept calls or messages only from people you've authorized.

Blocked Users

If blocking a username, you can not communicate with you again (and you with it). Always appear as offline to the users you've blocked. You can modify the list of blocked users in Tools> Manage blocked user (or File> Options> Privacy> Manage Blocked Users)
Connection Status

Your online status is displayed in the status bar of Skype (at the bottom of program window). You can change your online status by clicking the appropriate icon or selecting the File menu.
The connection status can be any of the following:

  • Connected: This is the default state when you log on to Skype.
  • Absent: enabled if you are logged in, but you have not used your computer for some time.
  • Not available: enabled if you are logged into Skype, but you have not used your computer for a long time.
  • Busy: You can use this status to indicate you're busy.
  • Invisible when using this rule, you can use Skype as you're connected, but others see you as if you were not.
  • Off means that the user is not connected to Skype, or has chosen to indicate that it is invisible or offline.

Text field to speed dial

The text field near the bottom of the Skype main window enables you to call directly to another user by typing your username and pressing the Enter key.
Making calls with Skype

There are several ways to call another Skype user:

  • In the contact list or call log simply click your mouse on a contact that is connected and select the option to call. You can also select a user name and press the big green button to call the toolbar quickly.
  • In the text box, type a user name and press the Enter key.
  • Double-click a user name.

Skype Chat Conversations

Skype Chat lets you chat with other Skype users using your keyboard. You can even do this with several people at once. For more information about Skype Chat, see the Users' Guide to Skype Chat.

How to add or change my photo

Open Skype and go to the File menu. Select your user profile .... You'll see the display picture box at the bottom left corner of the window. To upload an image stored on your PC, simply click Browse and impórtala. You can upload jpeg and bmp. If you have an image, you can download Skype for the images in the Share Skype site. Translation of languages Skype and load user-defined

The Skype program was originally created in English, but can easily translated into any other language. We encourage users to create and share translated language files (. Lang), to other Skype users who do not know English.

Skype to translate, choose the "Edit Skype language file ..." on the Tools menu. A simple text editor that displays the item that has been translated to the left, in the original version and the translated text to the right. Any text that appears on the right can be translated. Skype To translate, simply type the translation in the right column. The elements that have the words correspond to Menu menus Skype. The caption indicated that they appear in the titles of the dialogs of the program. Those with an indication Hint correspond to the text that appears when you move the cursor over an item.

If you are unsure of the context of a particular word or phrase, click the Apply button to see the changes directly in the program. Note that the text in the About screen will not load.
Skype never loaded into other languages, the legal texts of the About page, so no need to translate.

To save your language file, just click on Save As ... and rescale them to a file name languages. To upload a language file, click the Load button and select a file with an. Lang.
We encourage our users to visit our forum to share and analyze the language files.

Uninstalling Skype

To uninstall Skype, open the Control Panel (Start> Control Panel or Start> Settings> Control Panel) and choose the Add or Remove Programs. Select Skype and click the Remove button. Consult your system if you want to keep or remove your contact list and call log. This can be useful if you plan to reinstall Skype in the future, when the want to have saved your contact list. Choose the appropriate option to remove Skype from your PC.


SkypeOut is the service with which you can efectual calls to phone numbers all over the world using the Skype program. It is very cheap and interesting, because the quality is the same as a normal call.

Skype Rates

The fare is the standard Skype SkypeOut Global Rate. Is $ 0.023 per minute, and no matter where you are, wherever you want to just call.

This fare is valid for the following destinations:

Argentina (Buenos Aires), Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Canada (mobiles), Chile, China (Beijing, Guanzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen), China (mobiles), Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (mobiles), Ireland, Italy, Mexico (Mexico City, Monterrey), Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland (Poland, Gdansk, Warsaw), Portugal, Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan (Taipei), United Kingdom, United States (except Alaska and Hawaii), United States (mobiles) and last but not least: Vatican.
The rate refers to calls to fixed numbers. If not indicated, usually calls to mobiles are more expensive (but still less than a traditional call).
Skype - Voip International Calls ServiceSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

VoIP International Calls - IP Telephony Service

VoIP International Calls - IP Telephony

Ip telephony means all new forms of technological innovation that has revolutionized the market of global telephone calls by international and national as well. IP Telephony (IP means Internet Protocol) is an abbreviation for VoIP telephony (VoIP means "Voice over IP), which operates through dedicated systems.

To understand why VoIP was so successful in the international market, it is necessary to know a little how it works and is an international call over the Internet. When compraso credit for a voice communication program such as skype, or when buying a prepaid card, we are actually buying the right to use an IP telephony gateway.

The number you are calling from the card (usually free - or if not if you want more minutes of conversation can call a local number but also the price of the card shall pay the local call), it connects to the gateway of our area. From this, the call is translated into digital format for Transmeta internet gateway to the local IP telephony recipient. Hence the call is translated back into analog format and through traditional phone lines, reaches the recipient's home telephone.
Then takes advantage of IP telephony low cost internet for much lower prices. Most of the cost of a call is, of course, the use of analogue lines or overseas, in some cases, satellite.

What is actually IP telephony is "cut" some passages in the economics of telecommunications, giving more advantages to the end.
VoIP International Calls - IP Telephony ServiceSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Internet Phone calling - How Internet Calls Flourish?

Internet Phone calling - How Internet Calls Flourish?

The economic crisis requires thinking about how to reduce costs, to help the family budget or the company's finances. One of the prerequisites is the phone. To order pizza, or a doctor to discuss the terms of a contract, the phone is crucial, as does the cell. But the combination of mobile, the spread of broadband (fixed or mobile) and Wi-Fi makes it possible to analyze other forms of communication to reduce fixed costs.

We speak of the voice service over IP (VoIP, in computer jargon) which allows voice transmission over the Internet. The advantage is that enough to have the one computer and a broadband connection so they can talk all you want, at no cost (beyond access to the Internet), and an audio quality equal to or better than offered by conventional telephony. In fact, most of the calls that are made in the traditional network is transformed at some point in a VoIP call.

This was the popular video service Skype (, which now has 370 million users. It offers an instant messenger that allows chat, make free calls and video conferences between Skype users to call traditional phones from your PC at low cost, for we must buy credits worth of minutes per call, or pay a monthly subscription. Other messengers free like Windows Live Messenger ( / messenger) or Yahoo! Messenger ( also allow for voice connections between users of this network and to call landlines and mobile phones.

The control of these services, not long ago was that it was talking to a microphone, sitting in front of the PC. But this is changing: with the advent of cell phones with Wi-Fi and 3G, it is possible to have an application that can connect to these networks and to initiate calls from mobile VoIP. The advantage is the portability and convenience of using a device that is designed just to talk, if you have an unlimited internet connection and the speaker uses the same service call is free.

The only one that has a formal application for Windows Mobile phones and iPhone is Skype. There is also a Java version for mobile phones and Symbian-Nokia-Sony Ericsson and others, but is more limited, the BlackBerry version is in development. There are freeware alternatives, compatible with mobile operating systems mentioned. Besides Skype, connect to networks of Windows Live, Yahoo! and Google Talk to make calls to a PC or a cell with this application. Among the most popular are Fringe (, Nimbuzz (, has offices in Argentina) Truphone ( and Talkonaut (www.talkonaut. com).

Its use is simple: you must install the application that is downloaded from the site or in the mobile browser, entered into the system, and activate the accounts of the messenger (just entered our username and password). Then, whether we are going to connect via Wi-Fi or 3G. The application will show which contacts are online, we can chat with them, as an alternative to SMS, and if you want to start a voice call.

But there's more: if you purchased Skype credit can be used to call any traditional phone number. The alternative to Skype, which owns, is the standard SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) for voice calls over the Internet. The nice thing about SIP is that no matter what application is being used, while consistent, may be used to make standard calls.

On the Web there are a huge number of providers of voice over IP support, you can purchase credit to make calls and use them later from any program on any device, just have the information necessary to connect. These providers offer an own application (softphone, in the jargon). Among them are VoIPblaster ( VoIPStunt ( and Net2Phone (

In between is Gizmo5 (, a multi-platform softphone that allows you to make video calls between Gizmo users, chat with other services, make calls to the telephone network via SIP, and Skype users through a OpenSky service called (which has an annual cost of $ 20).

The softphone is an application that simulates a phone, simply dial the number and initiate the call. The service is the cost of it and the remaining credit on the account.

As an alternative to make low cost calls, but do not require either broadband or a special application are Jajah ( and RebTel ( is entered, the site of service, phone number you want call us and we want the number to call, and the system generates two local calls to make the connection, which lowers costs, especially in international connections.

It is also possible to use a service called Voice over IP compliant with SIP standard without a computer, but need a broadband connection. We use a device that functions as an adapter between a conventional telephone and the Internet router. Permitted to use any phone to make VoIP calls and if a call is received such that the device will ring. In the market also tend to appear dual phones capable of connecting to the telephone system common in the PC and Skype, the base has a USB cable to the computer. The more advanced models are able to initiate calls to Skype contacts from the phone. As with SoftPhones, if the call is a SIP number to another (regardless of provider) will have no cost, because it never leaves the Internet.

The limitations of VoIP

In all cases will require a credit card or PayPal account to purchase credit. By using these services must be borne in mind that if you cut the light or the Internet connection, there will be any calls, except with a 3G mobile connection and an unlimited. Furthermore, the emergency numbers (911, 101, for example) will not be available in general. And call quality depends on the overall performance of the Internet, then there may be problems in audio quality or the latency (delay in the arrival of the response of our party).

The calls have not remained idle and expanded its service offerings. Telefonica and Telecom charge $ 16 for basic telephone subscriptions, and $ 0.0567 for each pulse of local call to a landline phone (2 minutes in 4 hours and reduced hours). But they also have plans with a lot of minutes if an amount paid access to the Internet (from Arnet and Speedy, respectively). In addition, there are special options for local calls. For example, Telecom offers a monthly payment of 4200 minutes for $ 29.90; Telefónica, as a plan by Call Rate Plan, which pays $ 0.242 per call, no time limit. And they have more offers of this style.

Several local vendors offer IP telephony attractive alternatives for the price of fertilizer or the portability of the service, which can be anywhere where Internet. They all offer at least one local number for the user.

Metrotel (, for example, offers a fertilizer with 500 minutes free local calls to fixed phones for $ 23, or without a monthly cost but can be recharged (such as prepaid cell phones) among other plans. Have an installation charge of $ 150, which includes the adapter to connect to the router for Internet access and any conventional telephone.

Another local, IP Tel ( offers a monthly plan with 400 minutes for local calls and 50 minutes to 29.90 pesos per domestic destinations. Meanwhile, Iplan ( offers a plan for 1500 minutes of local calls to fixed numbers for $ 93.17, with an installation cost of the adapter 100 pesos.

In all cases, calls between users on the same network are free, and there are more plans available. Calls to cell phones are a cost that ranges between 25 and 40 cents per minute and depends on the operator.

Although it requires a computer, the Skype service can also be competitive, with a payment of 10,000 minutes to the entire country by 4.54 euros, or around the world to 10.29 euros, must be borne in mind that Argentina did not is one of the countries with SkypeIn, ie the ability to handle calls made to a landline phone in Argentina, from anywhere in the world.

Telmex (, for its part, offers a calling plan to the entire country for $ 0.21 a minute, or $ 0.18 per minute to the U.S. from a landline, a price similar to that of the VoIP providers that offer rates ranging between 0.10 and $ 0.15 per minute for fixed numbers of United States and some countries in Europe, and may be twice or more for other destinations, calls to tend to have a mobile that doubles the price of fixed calls, but still can serve to bring a bit of home economics.
Internet Phone calling - How Internet Calls Flourish?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, June 1, 2009

Vonage - Voip Internet Phone Service

Vonage - Voip Internet Phone Service

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol, for its initials in English), gives the possibility of voice communications over the Internet. This has faced legal issues of patents to companies that supply these services to technology companies traditional telephony. But those trials have been millionaires, but they say the provider Vonage in its dispute with AT & T and other telephone.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such Voip Internet Phone services? Well first of all we must take from the point of view that is the look. If you are a provider of traditional phone, the disadvantages of this system are many, but if you are a user may have more advantages to highlight. Well trying to be as impartial as possible, the greatest advantage to the user is the cheaper fares that comes from avoiding the charge that fixed the traditional companies.

Another advantage is that you can move anywhere in the world, and where an Internet connection will work with VoIP service procedures that would use a cell under such conditions. The last advantage is obvious and bringing to any other cellular telephone service traditionally could compete with the functionality of VoIP. But not everything is as bad for traditional telephone. There are disadvantages in the use of VoIP as we all know the use of Internet and its speed depend on the available bandwidth, VoIP applications require bandwidth and are affected by network congestion or slow the flow of data.
Vonage - Voip Internet Phone ServiceSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, May 18, 2009

Interested in the Call via VoIP Service Provider?

Interested in the Call via VoIP Service Provider?

VoIP is a technology that allows the voice signal is transmitted via the data network (ADSL or similar), using the IP protocol, instead of through RTC (Switched Telephone Network).

This technology enables making or receiving calls from our VoIP phone (connected to your computer or directly to our network) or mobile phones, and send text messages (SMS) and many other services, standard phone company on RTC.

There are several companies that provide this service, but perhaps the best known is Skype

The advantages of this system relate mainly to a drastic reduction in the price of calls (rates vary from company to offer this service), but despite this reduction is an interesting alternative to traditional telephony?

Well, this is where there is already qualified to start, because even though the calls are cheap, not all are free, and prices, though well below that of a normal telephone call, will depend on who signed with the service ... and where to call.

Focusing Spain is now all companies that provide DSL or cable connections to the Internet offer all domestic calls (ie, within the Spanish territory) without any cost, although some companies do that there is a limitation concerning the number of free minutes (look at the fine print of contracts). This means that for a person who only call within the country there is a clear advantage, especially bearing in mind the cost of a phone with VoIP technology.

Furthermore, it is natural that companies that provide this service for VoIP has established a cost 0 for calls between users of the same company (usually at the international level), but not calls to other users or phones within the RTC.

However, these rates are really low when compared to the rates of any traditional phone company, which can be checked by consulting fees from companies providing VoIP service with any company. Sometimes they become so extremely low that it can be almost free.

Another advantage is that the cost of calls there is no difference between a fixed or mobile calls and time difference, but depending on the country you call.

So far so good, except for calls within the national territory VoIP telephony savings that could be important, but ... What about the calls I receive?

Well if that happens to us does so through a VoIP connection to our source are free, but they are from PSTN telephones have a cost that is fixed (about 50 euros / year + VAT).

But even this has an advantage because you will not call a certain phone number (ours), but a number of Internet (Skypeln in the case of Skype), implying that it does not matter where we are, and always where, of course, have access to VoIP phone.

Increasingly, companies that offer services linked to the simple VoIP, which is gradually becoming service companies ToIP (Telephony over IP). It is these services which we have named (Call forwarding transfers calls to landlines or mobile phones and even in some cases fax service).

These services often have an additional cost that will depend on the supplier's service ToIP.

As in most service contracts over the Internet is extremely important that detailed consultation fees and possible bonuses or promotions that we provide the supplier with which we plan to work, especially not for a nasty surprise to us time of payment.

Interestingly, the case of SMS, which is cheaper to send an SMS to United States or China than to Spain (in Spain there is virtually no price difference with this service or do it from our mobile or landline), although the SMS sent other contacts of the same supplier ToIP often free.

Highly recommended payment option for bonds, as if exhausted our credit, as that can happen is that we shut down communication (something like what happens with prepaid mobile).

Well, this is seen a really interesting alternative for those who do a significant number of calls abroad (especially if the caller also used this technology), especially for companies based in different countries, which use This technology can be a more than substantial savings in expenditures.

Repeat as long as we talk about contracts, it is very important to read the terms and rates (if you print and save, even better), and any doubt about that, contact them and ask (although in many cases not This service is available except in the U.S. or in English).

If we decided to use this technology, I repeat my advice that, at least initially and until we are not familiar with the actual costs involved in this type of connections, we use a plan that does not involve charging a monthly, if possible a payment bonds or replenishment.
Interested in the Call via VoIP Service Provider?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

IP Telephony Services (VoIP) Phone Call via Internet

IP telephony services (VoIP) phone call via Internet


It is an enterprise IP telephony service that lets you make and receive calls through the broadband Internet access. Our service includes Internet phones with free Internet calling and unlimited calling plans to the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel, Asia, India, England and France. We offer prepaid calling services and international numbers through our system and Voice over IP analog telephone adapter (ATA). The solutions we offer are designed for residential phone, business, office calls, business marketing and Cyber cafes. We offer business opportunities for resellers of VoIP under its own brand.

What gives you VoiceLine IP Telephony for Broadband?

Allows our customers to have a VoIP line with area code in United States Free. Convert domestic long distance calls at local, because you can recruit an area code for any of the leading countries in the world available for this service no matter where they live. You can use your smart online from anywhere inside or outside of Venezuela, because it offers portability that lets you connect your adapter (Linksys PAP2 or Innomedia) SoftPhone software or other broadband access providers. You can configure and manage your smart online through our website, entering your account and pin Net2phone because we offer self Attributes allows online from any Internet access keep track of your consumption, block calls, to transfer calls to any landline or mobile, among others.


You'll enjoy this the same benefits of a traditional phone line, such as caller ID, voice mail, Call Waiting, Call Transfer and outgoing calls. Everything included in the service, so you can join multiple lines with this intelligent IP service. Change of number / area code of the countries in our service.


1 - You must have an Internet connection to broadband.
2 - To make and receive calls to landlines and mobile phones anywhere in the world you can choose one of these 4 options

An analog telephone adapter. Innomedia or Linksys PAP2 with a conventional telephone. An IP phone. Linksys SPA 941. "Softphone" Software that is installed on your PC and make phone calls you receive, and where. Net2phne Dialer 2.0 software that only allows you to make calls but can not receive.

Start saving now! Place your order and download the "softphone" for free or the Dialer 2.0 to start using your account with Net2phone. You do not need any equipment.
IP Telephony Services (VoIP) Phone Call via InternetSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Growing Complaints In Mobile Telephony and Internet

Growing complaints in mobile telephony and Internet

Demand for more and new grounds. This ensures at least from the Office of Telecommunications Customer Care, which states that in 2008, complaints grew about 24.1 ICT percent. Change of telephone operator and the Internet should not be a major problem which involves changing the size of a sweater in a fashion store. Yet, despite the many regulations that have been adopted in our country in recent months, something as simple as changing telephone service provider continues to be a real nightmare for any brave to try it.

What has changed the attitude of the user who, tired of seeing his phone went silent for months as an operator and another discussing who was responsible for the change of line, he begins to claim their rights. Thus, the Office of Telecommunications Customer Care in 2007 received a total of 15,210 claims, 24, 1 percent more than attended the previous year, as announced by the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society, Francisco Ros. Of these, 34 percent for fixed telephony, 32 percent of Internet access, 15 percent of mobile telephony and 14 per cent, to packet voice and data.

These figures reflect how it has dropped the number of complaints regarding the fixed telephony service in front of a marked increase in the coming of mobile telephony and the Internet. Specifically, the claims of fixed telephony accounted for 34 percent of the total, almost half that in 2007, and caused, in most cases, the quality in the provision of service (20.9 percent). On the contrary, claims mobile phone increased by 15 percent and were due primarily to turnover (27 percent) and application of low (25.3 percent).

As for the Internet access service, the claims also rose slightly from 28 percent in 2007 to 32 per cent last year. Of these, two cases are clearly revealed as the most repeated: low (35.8 percent) and high (20.3 percent). In addition, this year has been included for the first time the recruitment packet telephony and the Internet, representing 14 percent of total claims. The names that come out worst unemployed in Mobile Amena (now Orange), the more claims, and in fixed telephony and Internet, Jazztel.

Penalties and greater control

In addition to caring for and handling these complaints, the Office of Telecommunications Customer Care could 'punish' penalties on operators for a total of 2,072 million euros for violations related to low non-processed, and premium rate telephone information services.
Furthermore, in order to increasingly improve the service that the ICT sector offers in Spain, just a few weeks ago approved a Ministerial Order also establish user rights and the ways and conditions claim on them, looking provide more tools to control the service offered by operators, especially in regards to the high, low and changing company. This new law imposes, for example, operations to include in your phone bills to customers, as well as the phone of the Office of Customer Care and the Ministry of Health and Consumption.

"The figures show that they are running the office and all the regulatory measures that have been launched," said Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society Francisco Ros, who added that "the Ministry is taking steps to respond to the dynamism of technology and the market "as this Order. Ros has also highlighted the importance of the sector in Spain, which currently are registered more than 70 million contracts (which amount to 85 million). "At this time, the Spanish telecommunications networks are a match for the best European networks in terms of coverage and quality."

Know your rights

These are, according to the Customer Care Office of Telecommunications, their rights. Take note:

- Learn about the conditions offered by your operator. Operators are obliged to offer its subscribers free information on the conditions of their services: benefits, fees, potential claims and time limits for recruitment, among other things.

- Compare before hiring. Note that although the price is an important factor, there are others that are not less, as maintenance services, the quality it offers, the minimum periods of engagement or the procedure to unsubscribe.

- Ask your contract. Most recruiting services and Internet telephony is made by telephone. However, you must have the contract to see what conditions it applies its operator and, above all, when and how you can claim.

- Read your bills. Bills are not just a document that shows the amount of your calls. At times, operators include mandatory that they must inform their subscribers (eg price changes). It is important to know that if the operator will change any of the conditions of the contract, you. has the right to terminate without penalty.

- Preocúpese have supporting evidence of their contractual relationships. In many cases, the user can not complain about not being able to justify demands for high, low, etc, but is right in his claim. Ask for proof to both the service and to unsubscribe from it, as in the rest of steps.

- Use the mechanisms offered by operators to control spending, such as billing, disconnection of the right of outgoing international calls and premium rate numbers (803-806-807), and so on.

- If you exercise your right to change current operator informs the operator intends to change its supplier, which, in turn, it will indicate whether you need to notice is a formal way.

- Reclame if violated their rights. Remember that to claim it is essential to have the documentary evidence relied on to support the claim: invoices, contracts, certification of the petition for the low, and so on.

- Know your rights. It is important to know to exercise and claim.
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VOIP Telephony Services and Technology VOIP

VOIP Telephony Services and Technology VOIP

IP telephony services and PC to Phone
Including the TOP 100 World Ranking Best VoIP Services

In the last 5 years, the number of companies that provide services, or VoIP telephony services on the Internet have increased dramatically making it difficult to determine or compare the descriptions of this global operation. You need not look further! MyVoipProvider continually check on the various telephone services and products tailored for voice over Internet and broadband services to PC. Each of these companies promise to have the best services at the best prices for local calls, long distance and international. How this affects your life and business service? It is a VoIP telephony service which guarantees Internet telephony networks at lower cost and higher quality than traditional telephone services offered. It is important that when you choose your VoIP service solutions, this is suitable for the type of calls, especially if you make calls abroad could save a fortune each month.

Great and innovative offerings have set the market voice over IP service in the last two years. New service providers have emerged with a bag of new products such as free calls using VoIP technology to a wide range of destinations. VoIP Buster is best known for the service, there are others such as VoipStunt, VoIPCheap, Netappel, SIP Discount, SparVoIP, Internetcalls and VoipDiscount.

Finding the Best Price and Best Quality of VoIP Services

With our free directory of suppliers of VoIP and its services our directory you can find the best products tailored to their opinion, analyze and categorize these services and compare prices either local or international calls. You will acquire a list of results that will help you make a more effective and intelligent decision for your home or business. At the same time, our World Ranking TOP 100 Best VoIP Services help you to take a more informed decision and also to compare the services you have now with those who could benefit from using VoIP. If you are already connected to the VoIP telephony may make comparisons between services worldwide.
Provider of VoIP MesAbril 2009

A pleased to announce that the following companies were awarded recognition for the best VoIP Provider of the month. Visit these companies for a perspective on plans, services and discounts ...

* Ekofon
* Netfonic

With our list of free VoIP providers and their services in our directory you can find the best products tailored to their opinion, analyze and categorize these services and compare prices either local or international calls. You will acquire a list of results that will help you make a more effective and intelligent decision for your home or business. At the same time, our World Ranking TOP 100 Best VoIP Services help you to take a more informed decision and also to compare the services you have now with those who could benefit from using VoIP. If you are already connected to the VoIP telephony may make comparisons between services worldwide.

Regardless of where you are located in the world, if you are looking for PC services to IP telephony, broadband services for VoIP or PC to PC VoIP company, we have the cheapest solution for your needs!

Our site is a leading global search for products and services VoIP Residential and Enterprise VoIP. You will not find any other website that offers this service as detailed comparison of the various VoIP services from companies around the world. We also offer daily news on the VoIP industry, the latest trends on suppliers and IP providers.

In our Products section you will find VoIP an extensive description of the hardware starting with the required service. Our goal is to provide guidance and expertise in IP technology in the world. With support and technical assistance that we provide, you can browse our pages and choose the desired services.
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Internet Telephony Service Provider

Internet Telephony Service Provider

For making calls across any part of the World an ITSP i:e Internet Telephony Service Provider has offered an Internet data service for making telephone calls by using VOIP service. Today most of the ITSPs uses SIP services, H.323, or IAX (although H.323 use is declining) for btransmitting the telephone calls by the help of data packets. For the ethernet connection Customers uses traditional telephones with an analog telephony adapter (ATA) providing with a RJ11.

In a recent due course of time this kind of services were available only on PC to PC calls but with the increment in the technology the services went beyond that and now it is possible through PC to Telephone also. The best part of this service is that, the calls rates as compared to other Telephone calls service provider is very cheap. The cost charges are dependent on as per customer choose the plan which will include the monthly rent and activation charge.

Internet telephony calls has emerged as a boon for Companies and Industries who have to call abroad for their business reasons its not only about the commercial success of Internet phones but the peoples who live abroad from their relatives can now enjoy with this Internet phone service.

Below are some companies which offers Internet Telephony Service:
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